The latest U.S. Census Bureau released data once again showed child poverty to be increasing in New York City. Nowhere in the five boroughs is this poverty level more prevalent than in the Bronx. Citizens Committee for Children Snapshot of NYC Children and Families highlights the starkest statistic: Citywide, one third of families with children relied on SNAP (food stamps) to feed their families…half of families with children in the Bronx get SNAP.
The census tracts with the most children in poverty are spread throughout the Bronx. And although the Bronx is changing, gentrification is happening -new
luxury high-rise apartments are being built and a higher income population are moving in, … nothing is changing for the families living in poverty.
Camp Bronx Fund was created to help make a difference in the lives of children, their families and the community they live in. Modeled after the success of Camp Brooklyn Fund, Camp Bronx Fund’s mission is to send economically disadvantaged Bronx kids to accredited sleep-away camp for two weeks in the summer. Teamwork, loyalty, wholesome health habits, responsibility, personal respect and appreciation of nature are all a part of a child’s education at sleep away camp. We believe, that this experience opens up a world of opportunity for these kids and helps them to realize their own potential.
Research shows that during the summer months, economically disadvantaged children lose up to two months of reading skills, while their wealthier peers make slight gains. These months of lost opportunity add up over the course of a child’s education, until by graduation economically disadvantaged children have fallen far behind. Participating in strategically planned, structured summer experiences, reduce summer learning loss (American Camp Association). However, these summer programs are financially out of reach for economically disadvantaged families. By giving children a chance to attend sleep-away camp at no cost to their families, Camp Bronx Fund gives these kids the opportunity to start school in September on a much more equal basis with their more privileged peers.
The Camps that we support, meet ACA guidelines, which require engaging programming that allows campers to experience progression, challenge and success.
The Camps and the agency that will be administering the funds we raise have implemented ways to track the academic progress as well as the social and emotional growth of our funded campers. The data collected will provide a clear picture of the progress of our campers from year to year.
The census tracts with the most children in poverty are spread throughout the Bronx. And although the Bronx is changing, gentrification is happening -new
luxury high-rise apartments are being built and a higher income population are moving in, … nothing is changing for the families living in poverty.
Camp Bronx Fund was created to help make a difference in the lives of children, their families and the community they live in. Modeled after the success of Camp Brooklyn Fund, Camp Bronx Fund’s mission is to send economically disadvantaged Bronx kids to accredited sleep-away camp for two weeks in the summer. Teamwork, loyalty, wholesome health habits, responsibility, personal respect and appreciation of nature are all a part of a child’s education at sleep away camp. We believe, that this experience opens up a world of opportunity for these kids and helps them to realize their own potential.
Research shows that during the summer months, economically disadvantaged children lose up to two months of reading skills, while their wealthier peers make slight gains. These months of lost opportunity add up over the course of a child’s education, until by graduation economically disadvantaged children have fallen far behind. Participating in strategically planned, structured summer experiences, reduce summer learning loss (American Camp Association). However, these summer programs are financially out of reach for economically disadvantaged families. By giving children a chance to attend sleep-away camp at no cost to their families, Camp Bronx Fund gives these kids the opportunity to start school in September on a much more equal basis with their more privileged peers.
The Camps that we support, meet ACA guidelines, which require engaging programming that allows campers to experience progression, challenge and success.
The Camps and the agency that will be administering the funds we raise have implemented ways to track the academic progress as well as the social and emotional growth of our funded campers. The data collected will provide a clear picture of the progress of our campers from year to year.